Federico e Vicky
24 Agosto 2019
Federico e Vicky, una giovane coppia tedesca, hanno scelto l’Italia,”WO DIE ZITRONEN BLÜHEN”, come recita una famosa frase dello scrittore tedesco Goethe, amante della meravigliosa Italia, tanto defi... VIEW POST
Erika e Michele
23 Novembre 2018
 Erika e Michele, una coppia affiatata che hanno saputo trasmetterci  l’ansia dell’attesa e l’amore che li lega, nonostante la loro giovane età. in quel giorno così importante hanno scelto noi regalan... VIEW POST
L’amore a passi di danza
29 Dicembre 2017
This trip was one of my favourite of 2017! VIEW POST
Why I love fall
28 Dicembre 2017
I started Film photography 5 years ago and I still think this is the best choice I made. VIEW POST
Trip to Iceland
27 Dicembre 2017
Icelandic culture has its roots in North Germanic traditions. Icelandic literature is popular, in particular the sagas and eddas that were written during the High and Late Middle Ages. Centuries of is... VIEW POST
Hello world!
26 Dicembre 2017
Welcome to Flothemes Demos. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! VIEW POST
Belize – Lonely Planet
25 Dicembre 2017
With one foot in the Central American jungles and the other in the Caribbean Sea, Belize may be small but it's packed with adventure and culture. VIEW POST
Yosemite National Park
22 Dicembre 2017
The name "Yosemite" (meaning "killer" in Miwok) originally referred to the name of a renegade tribe which was driven out of the area (and possibly annihilated) by the Mariposa Battalion. Before then t... VIEW POST
New York City Life
22 Dicembre 2017
New York City has more than 2,000 arts and cultural organizations and more than 500 art galleries of all sizes. The city government funds the arts with a larger annual budget than the National Endowme... VIEW POST
Ciao mondo!
20 Marzo 2017
Benvenuto in WordPress. Questo è il tuo primo articolo. Modificalo o eliminalo, e inizia a creare il tuo blog! VIEW POST